Boundless Spheres

By Melsonian Arts Council (other events)

Saturday, May 20 2023 5:00 PM 8:00 PM BST

Bound by a ship of their own and heap of trouble behind them, players of various backgrounds will travel the spheres of dozens of 1st and 3rd party content for Troika! and even other systems. Buckle up.

Hi there, I'm Matt, and I'm an editor here in our lovely little corner of the indie rpg space. I've edited over 20 books and written a few others. I've been a GM for dozens of systems since I was around 14 years old, going on two decades now. My approach is simple---have fun, play to find out, no jerks allowed.

This is an online game, taking place on the Melsonian Arts Council Discord server.

  • Rating: PG-13
  • Backgrounds: Any you'd like! Bring your own, or make one at the start of the session.
  • Ages: 14+.
  • Safety Tools: Lines and Veils, X-Card.