The Riddling Reaver

By Melsonian Arts Council (other events)

Monday, June 12 2023 2:00 PM 5:00 PM BST

The Riddling Reaver is an opponent worthy of the most daring adventurers. His mind is inscrutable—but there is no doubt about the chaos he plans to unleash on the world. He must be stopped, despite the hazards of the task! Will YOU rise to the challenge?

Sean F. Smith (he, him) is a magician, games designer, and writer. He's been dying to that vampire in Warlock of Firetop Mountain since the age of ten but currently coordinates games as part of the Lewisham branch of RP Haven and is part of the Queer RPGs at Badger Badger Gaming. You might have seen his EXUVIAE or Quarrel + Fable and you might even have put money or time into them.

  • Rating: PG
  • Backgrounds: Any from Troika! Numinous Edition; no need to make one ahead of time.
  • Content Warnings: Creepy crawlies, moderate fantasy peril.
  • Ages: 13+.
  • Safety Tools: Lines and Veils, X-Card, Open Door Policy.

This is an online game, taking place on the Melsonian Arts Council Discord server.