Troika Urban Refuse Disposal Service

By Melsonian Arts Council (other events)

Saturday, June 10 2023 3:00 PM 5:00 PM BST

It can be hard to make ends meet in an infinite city. After falling on hard times, your crew has resorted to taking jobs as trash cleaners. Sweep the streets, decide what to sell and what to incinerate, and hope that you make enough to pay rent. Yaaaaay. (I promise it will be fun.)

Hi I'm Robin, I do pictures and make games sometimes. People seem to like the games I run.

  • Rating: PG
  • Backgrounds: Anything you'd like, or the GM will help you make one at the start of the session.
  • Content Warnings: Disease, addiction, violence, cops as villains.
  • Ages: 13+.
  • Safety Tools: Lines and Veils, X-Card.

This is an online game, taking place on the Melsonian Arts Council Discord server.